A few words

About Us


The Holy Spirit initiated the prayer on April 9, 2020.

Welcome to Dallas Prayer Line

It is our joy to welcome each one of you to the Dallas Prayer Line.

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray ………will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

The Holy Spirit initiated Dallas prayer line on April 9, 2020 for an hour of prayer daily in the morning, noon and evening. The Lord increased the prayer warriors and prayer time. By the Grace of God, since June 24,2020 the Malayalam prayer line is on 24hrs X 7days.
God also enable us to start additional prayer lines in different languages.

There is anointed worship, sharing God’s Word, testimony, praying for the nations, needs as the Holy Spirit leads. Prayer warriors can join anytime to intercede and pray as led by the Holy Spirit.

Our goal is to reach out to people with comforting Word of God, sharing God’s love, praying and equipping all with life changing messages from Bible and to present everyone perfect in Jesus. Our spiritual growth is nurtured by the absolute guidance of the Holy Spirit and is fully supported by a group of dedicated Pastors, Leaders and sincere prayer warriors.
Dallas Prayer Line is registered with the IRS, as a non profit organization.


With prayers and blessings,
Pastor Joseph Mathew

What we do

24*7 Prayer Line

Pray for the Nations

Daily Testimonies

Building Christian Leadership

Reach the Unreached

Tract Ministries

Come worship with us

let us exalt His name together.

How to become a partner

Reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ

Our Address Dallas Prayer Line P.O. Box 367 Prosper, TX 75078 (write checks payable to Dallas Prayer Line) Zelle 781 964 5365